The company only processes the necessary personal data to provide the services of the website and e-shop.

This is the data that visitors themselves input when completing some of the forms on the site, by making their knowledge known. The necessary processing of personal data of the users of the website is a processing that falls within the scope of Article 7A paragraph 1 (b) of Law 2472/1997 and is not transmitted or communicated to third parties, unless the procedure laid down in the legislation for the confidentiality (N.2225 / 1994) or any obligations arising from the national implementation of Directive 24/2006. The cookie technology is used on the website. Disabling cookies will make it impossible for you to browse the site easily and that is why users accept this operation from the outset. When visiting the site for the first time a permanent cookie (a small text file) will be set to be stored on the user’s hard disk. Cookies are used during your successive visits to the site to “personalize” it. You can visit the site without accepting cookies, but you will not be able to use all the features of the site or enjoy specific features of the site. To change your cookie settings, refer to the browser’s Help menu.

Any processing of personal data is carried out solely by persons under the control of the company. For the processing, the company has selected officers with corresponding professional qualifications that provide sufficient guarantees in terms of technical knowledge and personal integrity for optimal confidentiality. The company has taken the appropriate organizational and technical measures to protect and secure your data from accidental or unlawful destruction, accidental loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure or access and any other form of unlawful processing. These measures shall ensure a level of security commensurate with the risks involved in the processing and the nature of the data being processed. If an online purchase process is in place to secure your transactions and protect your personal data, the company uses Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology. In the course of your online shopping process, the website does not record or store in any way any credit card information, except for the security of the transaction, Debit or Credit, and whether it is Visa or MasterCard. In PayPal Payments, the PayPal account e-mail is stored. SSL is the most trustworthy carrier for internet security worldwide. All transactions you make through the website are governed by the relevant provisions of the Consumer Protection Act (Law 2251/1994), which regulates issues regarding distance sales, as well as the provisions of European and International Law on e-commerce.

Everyone has the right to know if personal data concerning him / her are processed in any form by the company. For this purpose, the company has an obligation to reply in writing. The data subject has the right to request and receive from the controller, without delay and in a clear and understandable way, the following information:

  1. All personal data concerning it and their origin.
  2. The purposes of the processing, recipients or categories of recipients.
  3. The evolution of the processing for the period since the previous update or information.
  4. The logic of automated processing.
  5. Where appropriate, the correction, deletion or blocking of data whose processing does not comply with the provisions of Law 2472/1997, in particular due to the incomplete or inaccurate nature of the data;
  6. and the disclosure to third parties to whom the data have been communicated of any correction, deletion or blocking made in accordance with the case where this is not impossible or does not involve disproportionate efforts.

The right of access can be exercised by the data subject and with the assistance of a specialist. The company answers requests for access within fifteen (15) days, in accordance with the provisions of article 12 of Law 2472/1997.

The data subject may at any time object to the processing of data concerning him or her. Objections are addressed in writing to the company via email and must include proof of the identity of the applicant and a request for a specific action, such as correction, temporary non-utilization, commitment, non-transmission or deletion. The company responds in writing to the objections within a fifteen (15) days’ exclusive deadline. In his reply, he shall inform the subject of the action he has taken or, where appropriate, of the reasons for failing to comply with the request. The response to the rejection of the objections is notified by the company to the Personal Data Protection Authority.

To act thy rights, the data subject or his / her legal representative should submit a complaint via e-mail ( to the company stating:

  • his identity, by providing evidence of a public authority
  • the specific personal data related to his / her complaint, including the website (url)
  • contact details (telephone, e-mail address, home address).

Adhering to the above procedure is a binding contractual term before any further action before a public authority or court and this procedure concerns the users who enter the website accepting its binding nature.


Entitlement to distinctive titles, domain names and trademarks

Distinguished titles, trademarks and domain names on which the website is posted are assets of the company. The company reserves the right to initiate civil, administrative and criminal legal action against any offender in the relevant terms of use of the above property.

All the graphic designs, copyright programs, texts, icons, clothing designs and other Marbe products, the original photographic material as well as the layout of the entire website is a property of the company. The company reserves the right to initiate civil, administrative and criminal legal actions against any offender in the relevant terms of use of the above property.

Sui generis copyright on the database As far as the database of the website is concerned, the company is a “database maker” with the special rights of article 45A of Law 2121/1993 and the relevant European Community institutional framework. In this context, it is forbidden to export and / or reuse all or a substantial part of the content of the database, regardless of the protection of the database in accordance with the general intellectual property provisions. Repeated and systematic export and / or reuse of insubstantial parts of the contents of the database, which affects its normal exploitation by the company, is also prohibited. The company reserves the right to initiate civil, administrative and criminal proceedings against any infringer of the relevant terms relating to its specific right to the database.